This service may be particularly interest for the flight schools if you are looking for afreelance TRI Challenger 300 & 350 who can provide SFI CL30 training.

SFI Challenger 300 350 ✔️ training scope

Flight training for issue the Synthetic flight instructor certificate SFI(A) for Challenger 300 350 Series consists of relevant parts of TRI CL30 training.

Flight training for the SFI CL30 is subject to FCL.930.SFI. Upon the course completion under the supervision of senior instructor, it is necessary to complete the instructor assessment of competence carried out by an experienced TRE CL30 or SFE CL30. The duration of the SFI assessment of competence shall be at least 3 hours.

SFI training can be provided by senior instructor ⚠️

The training towards the SFI CL30 instructor certificate may only be provided by an instructor authorized in accordance with FCL.905.TRI(b). It means by an instructor who has provided at least 50 hours of training as a TRI CL30 or SFI CL30. In previous revisions of Part FCL, it was stated that the instructor providing SFI training had to provide at least one complete type rating training course. However, this wording has been shifted in the March 2020 by the revision of the Part-FCL.

CL30 SFI requirements

Future SFI CL30 shall attend either FSTD part of the type rating training course for Challenger 300 or 350 or simply be a holder of the CL30 type rating endorsed in the pilot's license. In addition he holds or have held the airline transport pilot licenseATPL(A) or commercial pilot licenseCPL(A).

Challenger 300 350 Series Synthetic Flight Instructor - SFI pre shall meet FCL.915.SFI(c)(1):

  • flown at least 1 500 hours flight time as a pilot on multi-pilot aeroplanes;
  • completed, as a pilot or as an observer, within the 12 months preceding the application, at least:
    • 3 route sectors on the flight deck of the Challenger 300 350 Series; or
    • 2 line-orientated flight training-based simulator sessions conducted by qualified flight crew on the flight deck of the Challenger CL30 variant. These simulator sessions shall include 2 flights of at least 2 hours each between 2 different aerodromes, and the associated pre-flight planning and de-briefing;

SFI CL30 privileges

Privileges of synthetic flight instructor - SFI Challenger 300 350 are described in FCL.905.SFI. SFI CL30 can provide flight training for issue nad renewal of CL30 variants.  In accordance with FCL.905.SFI(c)(1) the privileges of SFI CL30 are also to provide the flight instruction for applicants seek privileges to operate in multi-pilot operations, for single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes. This applies for the SFI who holds the instructor privileges on e.g. Cessna 525.

In addition - iaw FCL.905.SFI(c)(2), the privileges of SFI CL30 are to teach the MCC(A) training course.

The equivalent of the SFI CL30 Instructor Certificate is a TRI CL30 Instructor Certificate restricted to simulator. So-called TRI CL30 FSTD-restricted.

EASA Type rating examiner Roadmap (c) ProfiPilot TrainingDownload PDF


Looking for a reliable Challenger 300/350 Instructor training provider? ProfiPilot Training is the professional flight school of your choice.