Operational suitability data for Boeing 737 generations ✅

Boeing 737 family Operational Suitability Data on the basis of Regulation 748/2012 assesses the operational applicability of variants and generations of the Boeing 737 type.

The Boeing 737 family Operational Suitability Data determines the difference across variants of the Boeing 737. The document also identifies areas of training that require special consideration - the so-called Training areas of special emphasis.

The recommended scope of training for the transition from one generation of a Boeing 737 to another generation is also determined, as well as the transition between variants within the same generation. The document also specifically focuses on the latest variants of the Boeing 737 - the training required to fly the Boeing 737 MAX for pilots who have flown the Boeing 737 NG so far.

Depending on which state regulates the Operational suitability data, the individual variants of the Boeing 737 are included in the summary. For example, the FAA considers all variants and generations from the Boeing 737-100 to the Boeing 737 MAX to be single Boeing 737 common type rating. Unlike EASA, which distinguishes between the stand-alone Boeing 737-200 type rating and the stand-alone B 737 300-900 type rating, which also includes the Boeing 737 MAX variant.