This service may be of interest to you want to obtain a TRI Boeing 737 and you already hold a type rating instructor TRI for another type.

TRI Boeing 737 for TRI holder

Specific requirements are laid down by Part-FCL for an applicants seeking for Type Rating InstructorTRI Boeing 737 who are already a holders of TRI certificate or SFI certificate for any other aeroplane type. It is easier to obtain an instructor TRI certificate considering your previous experience - the so-called competency-based approach. FCL.910.TRI(b)(2) allows the flight school consider your previous experience and setup the tailored so-called competency-based training

In accordance with GM1 FCL.910.TRI(a)(2) by considering your previous experience the flight school prepares tailored flight training. The aim is to attend the relevant parts of TRI training in order to meet the learning objectives of TRI B737 training.

TRI type extension to Boeing 737

The general requirement to become TRI B737 is the pilot hold an airline transport pilot license ATPL(A) or a commercial pilot license CPL(A) with a valid Boeing 737 type rating and respective B737 differences training. Being a holder of CPL(A) is applicable only for the holders of TRI B737 restricted to instruction in FSTD, thus LIFUS and landing training privileges of restricted TRI holding CPL(A).

Applicant for TRI type-extension to TRI B737 shall ✅:

  • be a holder of TRI for another type of aeroplane
  • flown at least 15 en-route sectors in variant representing Boeing 737 in last 12 months
  • meet all the requirements for TRI(MPA) iaw FCL.915.TRI(b):
    • 1500 flight hours on aeroplanes

TRI Boeing 737 type extension ✅ training content

Due to the competency-based method, the TRI Boeing 737 type extension flight training is always tailored to a specific pilot. In general, it can be said that Part 1 of the TRI training, so-called Teaching and learning can be fully credited towards the training requirements. Technical training and Simulator training content is based on your previous instructional and TRI-related experiencer. Upon the training completion the assessment of competence with an EASA TRE Boeing 737 is required.

SFI Boeing 737 to TRI B737 extension

If you are a holder of SFI Bombardier Boeing 737 it is possible to obtain the TRI Boeing 737 without necessity to attend any additional flight training, or assessment of competence. The holder of SFI B737 will be issued with TRI B737 restricted to FSTD provided he has completed at least 15 en-route sectors on Boeing 737 aeroplane in last 12 months.

Additional flying training or assessment of competence with TRE B737 is necessary in case of TRI B737 privilege extension as follows:

  • LIFUS privileges (additional flight training)
  • Base training privileges (additional flight training)
  • TRI Boeing 737 restriction removal (additional checkride with TRE B737)

TRI Boeing 737 Privileges

The TRI B737 type extension has the same privileges as the the TRI B737 obtained by ab-initio means. The privileges of the instructor who obtained the TRI B737 by the competency-based method are therefore equal.

EASA Type rating examiner Roadmap (c) ProfiPilot TrainingDownload PDF


Looking for a reliable Boeing 737 Instructor training provider? ProfiPilot Training is the professional flight school of your choice.