Competency based training is cheaper and shorter

The conventional method of flight training concept presupposes that the applicant does not have any experience and knowledge associated with the particular training. Therefore, it is necessary to complete the entire approved flight training syllabus as well as theoretical knowledge instruction. This is both - boring as well as very expensive approach to the learning.

The aim of competency-based training is to develop certain - very specific skills, taking into account previous knowledge and experience as well as the current proficiency of a candidate. Within the aviation, the competency-based training and its content are left in the discretion of a flight schoolATO. Based on the assessment of the candidate's previous skills and current proficiency the flight school will prepare the tailored-made training to achieve the learning objectives required for the particular training and considering the previous background of the candidate.


Competency-based training is more effective

Main benefits of the competency-based training as a tool for individual training are:

  • shorter training time
  • individual approach
  • tailored-made content for the particular pilot
  • significantly lower costs
  • flexibility

As part of the flight training, competency-based training has been used previously as so-called credit for previous experience. However nowadays more advanced concepts are being used to address the competency-based training approach.

Later EASA came with the possibility of the competency-based training mainly at:

  • instrument rating - competency-based IR
  • En-route/Basic instrument rating
  • TRI and SFI type-extenstion